

The North Carolina Nurses Association makes every effort to ensure that the information on our website is accurate and that all material aspects of the site function properly. Despite our best efforts the database may sometimes contain inaccurate information. Please contact us if you note inaccurate information. Links on these web pages are solely for the information of the reader. NCNA makes reasonable efforts to assure that it does not link directly to web pages that contain obscene or indecent material. If you encounter such material in any linked page, please notifiy our Webmaster immediately. NCNA fully supports the protection of individual privacy and minimizes the collection of personally identifiable information to the least amount of information required to complete a particular transaction.

On some pages, you may be able to register for events, order products, make contributions and make requests for information. The types of information collected at these pages include: Name, address, email address, phone number, credit card information, etc. NCNA uses the information you provide about yourself only to complete the transaction; we do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete the transaction, except in the case of event attendees lists and member directories of which you can opt-out by contacting rns@ncnurses.org.

Occasionally, NCNA may provide a list of surface mailing addresses to groups or individuals for one-time use for the purposes of promoting services and programs of interest to nurses. With respect to your email address, NCNA has stringent review and opt-out capabilities to ensure that you do not receive unwanted email from NCNA. NCNA will not give or sell your email address to any entity outside NCNA, its subsidiaries, or affiliated entities.


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