
Member Spotlight


Yolanda Deneen Richmond, BS, RN

Yolanda Richmond has eighteen years of experience in dialysis and nephrology and is an RN Care Manager. In her role, she promotes quality member care, ongoing customer support, and care coordination by providing guidance, support, coordination, education, and other care coordination functions.

Who (or what) inspired you to become a nurse?
My father inspired me to be a nurse. He was a dialysis patient and hated going to the incenter. He felt like just a number, and no one cared and would often skip treatments. I decided to become a nurse and vowed to never have one of my patients feel that way.

Share an 'ah-ha' moment when you knew you made a great career decision to become a nurse? 
As a nurse, every time my patients improve or share their commitment to improving their health, I know this was the right decision for me.

What inspires you most about being a nurse?
What inspires me most about being a nurse is when a difficult patient becomes an advocate for their healthcare. Most times they feel unheard. Listening to what they are saying, giving them time and support sometimes makes all the difference. 

Share something awesome you are doing in your current role as a nurse. 
In my current role as an RN Care Manager dealing with CKD patients, I am always cheering and excited when a member feels empowered with the education and tools we present, and their labs and health reflect what they have learned.

Share a useful tip(s) you use to inspire/engage patients, colleagues, or students.
A useful tip I use to inspire my patients especially is that you always have a choice, and knowing your options makes it your choice.

What motivates you to participate in the NC Nurses Association?
Participating in the NC Nurses Association helps to keep me current in the nursing changes in NC and allows opportunities for additional education and volunteer opportunities.

Do you have a favorite quote, cartoon or image about nursing to share?
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring; all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

—Leo Buscaglia


Yolanda's Advice for a New Nurse: Nursing at times is draining, frustrating and can be life consuming. Having a balance is particularly important so you must take care of yourself, as well as others, with no regrets.

NCNA thanks you for being a part of our community and for your passion for nursing, Yolanda!

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