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Department of Veterans Affairs Looks to APRNs

May 26, 2016

Yesterday, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced its desire to grant Full Practice Authority to all of its Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), no matter where they are practicing around the world. The department has had well-documented problems, especially regarding access to care, and we are glad to see that VA administrators recognize that APRNs are a vital part of the solution.

We need your help!

Please go here to add your voice to those of nursing advocates from around the United States. The Department of Veterans Affairs is seeking public comment on this proposal until July 25. VA employees are barred from participating in the public comment period, so we are asking all nurses to pitch in and help advocate for your colleagues! This is a perfect chance for NCNA members to embody our collective goal of leading Nursing Forward®.

This is a very big deal related to NCNA's goals of utilizing nurses to provide better access to quality healthcare for patients throughout North Carolina. VA nurses practice in facilities here in North Carolina, so it certainly would help in that respect -- but from the 10,000-foot view, this update would serve as a shining example of the momentum APRNs have built around the country.

This public comment period is open to people from any profession, so share this information with your friends, your family, and anyone else who understands the potential that nursing offers to our country's veterans.

Go here to read more about the proposal.   

Go here to leave a comment.

Please let us know if you have any questions by contacting NCNA at RNs@ncnurses.org.

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