About NCNA



APRNs Granted Ability to Certify Handicapped Plates

July 12, 2017

Today, Governor Roy Cooper signed SB 160 into law, meaning that some APRNs can certify handicapped placard applications for the DMV.

The first version of the bill, HB 11, was sponsored by Rep. Gale Adcock (who is an NP and former NCNA President). H11 passed the House 114-4. The Senate version of the bill was amended with updates making it identical to HB 11. It was passed by both chambers and sent to the Governor shortly before session wrapped up. The new law allows Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse-Midwives and Physician Assistants to certify disability for DMV placard applications.

We're thrilled that the North Carolina General Assembly passed this legislation and grateful to see the state continue to move Nursing Forward®!

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