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Certificate of Incorporation

Certificate of Incorporation of the North Carolina Nurses Association

(as amended May 23, 1947; October 16, 1960; October 23, 1975; January 27, 1995)


THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that we, Mary L. Wyche, Mary D. Pittman and Marion H. Lawrence and associates, do hereby associate ourselves into a corporation, under and by the virtue of the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of North Carolina, Session 1901, entitled An Act to Revise the Corporation Law of North Carolina, and the several supplements thereto and acts amendatory thereof.

FIRST, the name of the Corporation is North Carolina Nurses Association.

SECOND, the address of the registered office of the Corporation is 103 Enterprise Street, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina; and the name of the registered agent at such address is Tina C. Gordon.

THIRD, the objects for which this corporation is formed are: to organize registered professional nurses in North Carolina for the purpose of advancing and promoting the best interest of the nursing profession; to establish a professional reciprocity between the nurses of North Carolina and the nurses of other states and countries; to promote and encourage high standards of professional education, proficiency, and ethics within the nursing profession; to propose, sponsor, and advocate legislative enactments of interest to members of the corporation; to promote standards and policies in the furtherance of the economic security of registered professional nurses, and to advocate and promote the improvement in hours, working conditions, living conditions, and compensation of professional nurses; to act for and on behalf of, and to represent, as a bargaining agent or otherwise, the members of the corporation and other registered professional nurses in collective bargaining and negotiations and in the consummation and execution of written collective bargaining contracts with employers of nurses, groups of such employers, or their duly authorized representatives, with respect to compensation, hours, and conditions of employment, living conditions, practices, policies and standards, and other matters relating to or affecting such registered professional nurses in their employment in hospitals, sanitariums, offices, and elsewhere; and to do such things as may be necessary or proper in the interest of professional nurses. The corporation shall have the power to collect dues from its members, but the corporation is and shall continue to be a non-profit corporation; and the corporation shall have the power to conduct its business in all its branches and districts, and have one or more offices and shall have power to hold, purchase, otherwise acquire, mortgage and convey real and personal property in any state, territory or colony of the United States and in any foreign country or place.

FOURTH, the names and post office addresses of the incorporators are as follows:

Post Office Address
Mary L. Wyche
Raleigh, NC
Mary D. Pittman
Raleigh, NC
Marion H. Lawrence
Raleigh, NC


FIFTH, the period of existence of the corporation shall be perpetual.

SIXTH, this corporation is and shall continue to be a non-profit corporation without capital stock; any registered professional nurse licensed to practice in North Carolina may be admitted to membership upon payment of such dues and upon meeting such other prerequisites for membership as may be prescribed by the bylaws of the corporation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals the fifth day of December A.D. nineteen hundred and two.




Witness: W.M. Russ

Original Article of Incorporation filed in Office of Secretary of State of North Carolina on December 5, 1902.

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