
Nursing Education and Professional Development Council

The formation of this new council will help to fill a gap indicated by NCNA members in the area of nursing education and nursing professional development The Nursing Education and Professional Development Council will support both academic nursing educators and nursing professional development (NPD) practitioners. There is a known nursing shortage, which is only projected to get worse in the coming years. Nursing faculty are also plagued with challenges of graduating safe and competent nurses to fill the gap at the bedside, with NPD practitioners dealing with the repercussions of fewer nurses and/or increased educational needs of nurses. Nursing faculty and NPD practitioners must support each other to mitigate the effects of the pressures placed on each. This council will further support the efforts of the entire organization, allow nursing academicians and NPD practitioners to come together to learn more about each other’s roles, help come up with creative solutions to the issues faced in nursing academia and in healthcare systems, and reinforce/reinvent efforts to best prepare nurses (new graduates and advanced practice nurses) for their roles at the bedside.

Interested in joining the Nursing Education and Professional Development Council? We would love to have you! NCNA members can join any council by updating their profile. Click on the “Account” tab, then choose “Personal Info” on the left side of the page, and scroll down to choose the councils you wish to join. Don’t forget to hit “Save” at the bottom! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

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