
Council on Nursing Informatics

Would you like to be an expert in nursing informatics? Wondering how informatics fits with your nursing practice?

The NCNA Council on Nursing Informatics (CoNI) invites you to learn more by exploring our electronic resources and attending quarterly council meetings. The American Nurses Association identified nursing informatics as an area of specialty practice in 1992. CoNI was established in 1993 to offer opportunities to nurses interested in informatics to meet, network, discuss issues, and attend programs that enhance their knowledge of the specialty. We also advocate for nursing care and practice supported by information systems processes.




The ultimate goal of nursing informatics is to “improve the health of population, communities, families, and individuals by optimizing information management and communication.”*

NCNA CoNI supports this goal by connecting membership to informatics CE, news, resources, and opportunities.

*ANA 2001

Interested in joining the Council on Nursing Informatics (CoNI)? We would love to have you! NCNA members can join any council by updating their profile. Click on the “Account” tab, then choose “Personal Info” on the left side of the page, and scroll down to choose the councils you wish to join. Don’t forget to hit “Save” at the bottom! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at


Council Officers:


Virginia “Ginny” Reynolds

Nancia Odom

Margaret “Meg” Garland

Member at Large [EHR]
Phil Ellison


Highlighted Initiative

Past NCNA President, Megan Williams, requested a presentation be made available for NCNA CoNI members to use to present to their individual organizations around North Carolina. In addition, several colleges and high schools have requested information regarding the nursing informatics specialty.

To answer these requests, CoNI has developed a Power Point presentation on Nursing Informatics and CoNI. The presentation includes data on nursing informatics demographics across the United States and in NC as well as information about nursing informatics as a specialty. At the CoNI quarterly meeting in November 2015, the 30 minute Power Point was presented, members made suggestions for improvements and decided to include an educational activity.


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