NCNA Connect | Early Career Nurses Community
Good news - We've got an exclusive community on NCNA Connect just for Early Career Nurses! Join in discussions, network, and ask questions in an open-forum and in specific council or regional based communities with nurses who share similar interests. If you haven't already, visit NCNA Connect and join your community today!
ANA Welcome to the Profession Kit
The American Nurses Association offers a collection of digital resources curated specifically for the support and development of Early Career RNs. Log in with your ANA membership ID and view the kit today!
The North Carolina Foundation for Nursing sponsors a number of scholarship opportunities for nurses and nursing students.
Look for the most exciting nursing job opportunities or potential hires in North Carolina! With 5,555+ job postings, NCNA is happy to offer the best resource for candidates and employers within the nursing profession.
Other Resources
Not a member? Join NCNA/ANA today at the new grad rate!
*New grads are eligible for the reduced rate within the first two years from their graduation date.