
Current Members

“I joined NCNA as a new graduate and have enjoyed my membership ever since!”
— Brad Sherrod, NCNA Member

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You made a great personal and professional decision when you joined NCNA. Membership puts you front-and-center of what’s happening in North Carolina and across the country that affects nursing and patient care.

Get started learning, connecting and growing with your membership in NCNA.

NCNA is for you ... and all the RNs you know in North Carolina! Please help spread the word and encourage your colleagues to join you as a member of NCNA.

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“NCNA is an organization that serves as the voice of nursing. It represents nursing in all disciplines and aspects of care that’s provided. It is the one way in which nurses across the board can network and communicate professionally, learn and grow, and improve care in all aspects of the work that we do.”
— NCNA Member Donna O.
Southwest Region

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