
Political Action Committee

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Enter the NC Nurses PAC Raffle!
March 1-April 15

Every $25 donation or monthly contribution enters you to win one of two great prizes: A Red Light Face Mask or Infrared Sauna Blanket from Higher Dose.

Contribute here!

The NC Nurses PAC is the vehicle for NCNA members to promote candidates, including registered nurses, seeking elected office in North Carolina with strong records of supporting nurses and their efforts to provide quality healthcare for patients. NC Nurses PAC is funded by voluntary contributions from NCNA members and other nursing advocates. The goal of the PAC is to financially support candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to nurses, the nursing profession and legislation leading to positive outcomes for the health and welfare of all North Carolinians.

Increasing the individual donation amount and number of contributions to the NC Nurses PAC will allow NCNA to develop more relationships with candidates seeking election to the North Carolina General Assembly. The improved relationships between NCNA and policymakers will dramatically enhance the presence of lawmakers who support nurse-friendly legislation.

The activities of the NC Nurses PAC are operated with total separation from the public policy component of the NCNA Legislative Program.

Members of NCNA must take an active role in financially contributing to the PAC. By contributing to the NC Nurses PAC, NCNA members are raising their voices to move Nursing Forward®. Donating to the PAC shows NCNA members appreciate candidates who support legislative efforts that create a positive work environment for each nursing professional to practice and provide quality care for their patients.
Please consider donating to the NC Nurses PAC.


2024 PAC Report

Download the 2024 PAC Report here:



Donate Now

Mail Form/Check:  NC Nurses PAC Contribution Form


Thank you to the NC Nurses PAC Club Members of 2024!





Rebecca Cranford 
Torica Fuller 
Jamie Ortosky Gallagher 

Linda O’Boyle 
Michelle Schmerge 
Racheal Shaddeau 



Gale Adcock 
Patrick Ballantine 
Reginald Brown 
Ginger Burkhead 
Mary Graff 

Ernest Grant 
Rand Pennington 
Patricia Richardson 
Elaine Scherer 
L.B. Sossoman 

Patricia West 
Cathleen Wheatley 
Deborah Wingate 






Jan DiSantostefano 
Sheila Driver 
Stuart Gallagher 
Tina Gordon
Lelia Gore 

Priscilla Ramseur 
Tina Schoen 
Jessica Sparrow 
Stephanie Turner 
Donna White 


Leticia Acevedo
Susan Bachmeier
Jeremy Beane
Cherry Beasley
Angeline Bertsch
Martha Bramlett
Kathleen Brandenburg
Ashley Bryant
Patricia Campbell
Monica Capp
Jeni Carrico
Romona Carver
Jian Chen
Chris Cowperthwaite
Cheryl McClure Elliott
Natalie Errante
Amanda Fox-Duncan
Joshua Freeman
Margaret Fryer
Christopher Golding
Kimberly Gordon
Deborah Granick
Joy Greer
Chris Crescencia Grimm
Deborah Grippaldi
Marialice Gulledge
Wendi Gwaltney
Janet Handy
Meka Douthit Ingram
Alix John
Stephanie Johnson-Dennis
Ann Marie Jones
Eileen Kohlenberg
Belinda Lee
Rebecca Lopez
Kimberly Luisana
Angela McClendon
Joan McGill
Jason McLawhorn
Virginia McLean
Bonnie Meadows
Constance Mele
Linda Moore
Audrey Neal
Ann Newman
Kim Crickmore Osborne
Schquthia Peacock
Sandra Pena
Nancy Sumner Porter
Juan Powe
Audrey Proctor
Janis Puglisi
Lucrecia Quick
Lecia Reardon
Alexis Ressler
Catherine Sevier
Leslie Sharpe
Ruby Simmons
Elizabeth Snow
Christy Swinson
Allison Tarpley
Dennis Taylor
Katherine Thompson
Crystal Tillman
Mandy Triplett
Julie Jacobson Vann
Sheila Veeder
Gwendolyn Waddell-Schultz
Julee Waldrop
Margaret Wilmoth

Amparo Oviedo Acosta
Bimbola Akintade
Julie Alexander
Marion Alexander
Anastasia Allen
Carol Alonso
Vi-Anne Antrum
Saralyn Austin
Susan Auten
Michelle Bae
Deborah Barrett
Carolyn Battle
Wilmer Betts III
Katherine Bloedau
Patricia Boike
Jennifer Bradley
Tosha Briles
Nicole Brooker
Deanna Bruen
Lisa Bryant
Jake Caccavaro
Dona Caine-Francis
Mishawne Carrington
Sherrie Cass
Susan Catchings
LaRelle Catherman
Jessica Chadwick
Fran Charlton
Jennifer Clark
Matthew Clemons
William Cody
Bobbie Cogdell
Carla Cunningham
Olive Cyrus
Awanya Davis
Anne Derouin
Michelle deVille
Anna Devlin
Margaret Dillon
Ashley Elks
Edna Ennis
Uchenna Enyinnaya
Kara Evans
Elizabeth Faris
Mary Jane Ferrell
Lisa Foster
Virginia Fox
Marilyn Gamewell
Brad Gardner
Ruth Ann Go
Allen Gray
Anna Hamrick


Mark Hand
Carissa Haney
Regina Harrell
Sandra Harris
Julie Henderson
Margaret Henschel
Dana Hines
Alexis Hodges
Ann Homa
Patricia Hoosier
Evelyn Hoover
Carolyn Hoskins
Sara Hubbell
Amanda Hudgens
Priscilla Huggins
Ann Marie Hunt
Pamela Hurley
Clay Ijams
Ronald Jandebeur
Sarah Jeanes
Stephanie Jenkins
Jarold Johnston
Karen Woods Jones
Anne Jones-Sutton
Paul Justice
Angie Kearns
Carolyn Kleman
Jeanmarie Koonts
Daria Kring
Karen Lemmons
Susan Letvak
Michelle Levine
Tamara Link
Krystal Lott
Lynnette Lux
Monette Mabolo
Laura Magennis
Stephanie McDonald
Terri McDowell
Stephanie McGuire
Rachel McInerney
Helen Meelheim
Deborah Meyer
Linda Mikus
Lacy Miller
Lelia Moore
Melissa Moreda
Suzanne Motley
Brenda Nevidjon
Marie Norman
Celestina Ofodile
Barbara Osguthorpe



Carrie Palmer
Jane Peck
Susan Pierce
Corinne Pinder-Bazile
Jana Pressler
Linda Prezioso
Judy Rafson
Jill Ratanaphruks
Helene Reilly
Brielle Reyes
Donna Roberson
Anka Roberto
Jessica Robertson
Renee Rosiek
Rebecca Ross
Donna Roupas
Veda Rowe
Lisa Ryan
Tory Schmitz
Karyn Shaarda
Lara Shelton
Dennis Sherrod
Ashley Sholar
Michelle Skipper
Kathie Smith
Sherri Smith
Douglas Stanton
Charlotte Stephens
Angela Stewart
Valerie Stewart
Edward Stroupe
Karla Syphrit
Kathryn Tarquini
Dorothy Taylor-Senter
Janet Tillman
Jeanette Torain
Crystal Tucker
Sally Underwood
Cynthia Van Deusen
Susan Vebber
Tracy Vernon-Platt
Colette Waddill
Janice Walker
Twilla Walker
Verneica Walker
Lisa Waye
Jennifer Wells
Jan West
Kristie White
Tracey Whitley
Tomika Williams
Elizabeth Woodard
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