
Opportunities to Stay Involved


With the NC General Assembly in its short session, our efforts are fully focused on full practice authority for APRNs, nursing pipeline solutions, school nurse funding, and other important policy issues. The SAVE Act has years worth of momentum, with strong support from influential groups outside of nursing such as AARP, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, Americans for Prosperity, March of Dimes, and many more.
NCNA has plenty of advocacy opportunities for our members, whether you’re volunteering to talk to legislators every week, donating to the NC Nurses PAC, or emailing your lawmakers, to make legislative change and move Nursing Forward®

Tuesday Volunteers

NCNA is once again planning to lead grassroots volunteer opportunities every Tuesday morning while the legislature is in session. We anticipate another year of fun and effective experience advocating for full practice authority for APRNs and other nurse-friendly legislation.
Go here to sign up now.

NC Nurses PAC

The NC Nurses PAC is the vehicle for NCNA members to promote candidates, including Registered Nurses, seeking elected office in North Carolina with strong records of supporting nurses and their efforts to provide quality healthcare for patients. We raised more than $78,000 in 2024 and are on pace to exceed that in 2025!
Go here to donate today.

Grassroots Network

The North Carolina Nurses Association is excited to provide Registered Nurses and supporters of nursing with capabilities to effectively advocate for policy changes that positively impact the nursing profession and lead to better care for patients. Stand up and become part of this effort by letting policymakers know you support moving Nursing Forward®.
Go here to sign up now.

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