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NCNA Issues Statement on Nurse Attack in Pinehurst

For Immediate Release
January 8, 2025

The North Carolina Nurses Association (NCNA) has been following the news of another attack on a nurse this week in North Carolina.

In response, Tina C. Gordon, CEO of the North Carolina Nurses Association, has issued the following statement:

The attack on Crystal Thompson is yet another example of a worsening trend of violence against nurses. Our hearts go out to Crystal, and everyone at NCNA wishes her a full and speedy recovery.

Violence is not simply ‘part of the job,’ nor should it even be a reasonable concern. Nurses have every right to be angry that these types of incidents have become all too common – often without any consequences. We are grateful that law enforcement is pursuing a felony in this case.

Attacks on nurses are exacerbating the burnout crisis and feeding into the nursing shortage, which poses a direct threat to North Carolina’s entire healthcare infrastructure. NCNA has championed legislation to protect nurses and other healthcare workers, and we continue to urge healthcare administrators and other stakeholders to find new and better ways to prevent these dangerous situations.


Chris Cowperthwaite, APR
Director of Communications & Outreach
(919) 821-4250 or chriscowperthwaite@ncnurses.org

As the leading professional organization for North Carolina’s registered nurses, we equip nurses at all stages to thrive in an ever-changing healthcare environment. NCNA helps keep North Carolina nurses on the cutting edge of nursing practice, policy, education, and more. Join us as we work to advance nursing and ensure high-quality healthcare for everyone.

Established in 1902, NCNA provides continuing education, networking and legislative advocacy for registered nurses throughout North Carolina. For more information, please visit www.ncnurses.org.

The North Carolina Nurses Association serves the changing needs of its members, addresses nursing issues, and advocates for the health and well-being of all people.


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