Nursing Forward®

Population Health-Free Access Articles



Population health: a nursing action plan

Ariosto, D., Harper, E., Wilson, M., Hull, S., Nahm, E., & Sylvia, l\1t (2018). Population health: A nursing action plan. JAMIA, Open, 1(1), 7-10.

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Achieving Population Health in Accountable Care Organizations

Hacker, K. & Walker, D. (2013). Achieving population health in accountable care. American Journal of Public Health, 103(7), 1163-1167.

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Population health management: Review of concepts and definitions

Swarthout, M. & Bishop, M. (2017). Population health management: Review of concepts and definitions. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 74(18), 1405-1422.

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Catalysts for Change; Harnessing the Power of Nurses to Build Population Health in the 21st Century

Storfjell, J., Winslow, B., & Saunders, J. (2017). Catalysts for Change; Harnessing the Power of Nurses to Build Population Health in the 21st Century. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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