
Doctor of Nursing Practice Council

The Doctor of Nursing Practice Council has as its focus support, networking, and information dissemination for nurses who have a DNP degree, students in a DNP program, and anyone interested in the DNP degree.  The council members represent a variety of practice areas: advanced practice nurses (CNS, CRNA, CNM, NP), administrators/executives and educators.



The Doctor of Nursing Practice Council provides a community for education, collaboration and advocacy to serve nurses with the DNP degree and all who support the degree.

We promote the values described in the DNP essentials

These are:

  • Leadership
  • Clinical Scholarship
  • Advanced Practice
  • Innovation
  • Evidence Based Practice
  • Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Patient Centered Care
  • Health Care Advocacy


  • Develop “clearing house” for DNP information
  • Continued development of web site
  • Continued development of DNP Directory of nurses in the state
  • Offer CEUs at face-to-face meetings
  • Develop focus and structure for mentoring activities
  • Pursue financial support for DNP student project expenses
  • Host open house for schools and prospective students

Interested in joining the Doctor of Nursing Practice Council? We would love to have you! NCNA members can join any council by updating their profile. Click on the “Account” tab, then choose “Personal Info” on the left side of the page, and scroll down to choose the councils you wish to join. Don’t forget to hit “Save” at the bottom! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

Council Officers:

Chair: Trish West, DNP, MSN, CMSRN, PCCN-K, CEN, NEA-BC

Executive Council

Clinical Nurse Specialist – Sarah Lackey, DNP, RN, CCNS
CRNA – Nancy Curll, CRNA, MSN
DNP Student – Brad Denmeade, RN, MSN, MBA & Christy Swinson, MSN, FNP-C, CMSRN
Nurse Educator- Tamika Anderson, DNP, RN & Peggy Trent, RN, MSN, DNP
Nurse Executive – Trish Traylor, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, NE-BC
Nursing Informatics – Lisa Bove, DNP, RN-BC
Nurse Midwife – Rhonda Lanning, DNP, CNM, LCCE, IBCLC, RN
Nurse Practitioner – Stephanie Jones, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
Nursing Research- Kris Roberson, DNP, FNP-C  
PhD Collaborative – Nancy Jo Thompson


Recent Activities

April 25, 2024 | Meeting Notes

April 6, 2023 | DNP Council Meeting & Networking at NPSS Zoom link

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