

The North Carolina Foundation for Nursing is proud to sponsor a number of scholarship opportunities for nurses and nursing students.

Mary Lewis Wyche Fellowship

Mary Lewis Wyche was the founder of the North Carolina Nurses Association in 1902 and was the nurse who spearheaded the creation of the first nursing practice act in the country which was passed on March 3, 1903. In 2003, the North Carolina General Assembly passed legislation to create the ‘First in Nursing’ license plate. A portion of the fees paid to utilize the license plate fund the Mary Lewis Wyche Fellowships (MLW).

The Fellowships are awarded to registered nurses seeking their masters or doctorate in nursing practice or administration on a full-time basis. Each MLW fellowship is funded for $5,000 for one year.

Application Deadline: May 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM


Other Scholarship Opportunities


Eunice Smith Scholarship

In 1995, the NC Foundation for Nursing, Inc. received a bequest from the estate of Kate Lerch in honor of her sister, Eunice M. Smith, to be used for scholarships and grants related to study in the field of nursing. The Foundation established a scholarship program to support registered nurses who pursue additional education on a part-time basis.

The Eunice Smith Scholarship is available to registered nurses who have chosen to further their professional career by pursuing education at the baccalaureate, masters or doctoral level on a part-time basis.

Application Deadline: May 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM


NCNA Triad Region Scholarship

The NCNA Triad Regional Advisory Committee has partnered with the North Carolina Foundation for Nursing to establish a scholarship program to promote professional nursing practice by encouraging registered nurses to pursue additional education. Scholarships are available to NCNA members who live or work in the Triad Region who have chosen to further their professional career by pursuing education at the baccalaureate, masters or doctoral level.

Each NCNA Triad Region Scholarship awards up to $1,000 per year for undergraduate students and up to $2,000 per year for graduate students.

Application Deadline: May 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM


NCNA Southwest Region Scholarship

The NCNA Southwest Regional Advisory Committee has partnered with the North Carolina Foundation for Nursing to establish a scholarship program to promote professional nursing practice by encouraging registered nurses to pursue additional education. Scholarships are available to NCNA members who live or work in the Southwest Region who have chosen to further their professional career by pursuing education at the baccalaureate or graduate level.

Each NCNA Southwest Region Scholarship awards up to $1,000 per year.

Application Deadline: May 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM



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